Error: You aren't logged-in! Starting in 2024, in order to use this program, you have to log-in using your email address instead of your name, but your password is still the same as it was on our old website. (Email PHAA or call 724-783-6512 if you have forgotten it.)
You can find out which of your email addresses is associated with your evaluator membership by clicking on the "Evaluators" link at the top of the page, and then clicking on "email" next to your name. You log-in with that email address by clicking on "Login" in the bottom right corner of this website. (Don't click on "Register" to create a new account -- you can't create an evaluator's account by clicking on that button.)
In order to determine what year your evaluator membership expires, click on "Store' at the top of the page. Then click on "Evaluator Renewal" on the sidebar, and then click upon the downward pointing arrow at the right edge of the evaluator list. Next to your name, you will see the expiration date. If it is not current, you can update it while you are in the store.
If you are not listed in the evaluator list in the store, then your evaluator membership (if you had one) expired during the 2021-2021 school year or earlier. You will need to join or rejoin PHAA by sending in the Evaluator Application Form.